1. BritRail Pass
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Make the most of your visit to Great Britain with this pass which provides access to all trains on Great Britain’s National Rail Network.

2. Frequently Asked Questions | Great Rail Journeys
Great Rail Journeys frequently asked questions. Discover all you need to know with our comprehensive FAQ section and plan your next amazing holiday today.
3. Trivia: Other very long UK Rail Journeys | RailUK Forums
Aug 28, 2016 · The Cross Country Aberdeen to Penzance service is famously the longest direct service in the UK. However, there are others that last a good long ...
The Cross Country Aberdeen to Penzance service is famously the longest direct service in the UK. However, there are others that last a good long time and cover a good few hundred miles. So, what are they? (Distances would be really helpful :) .)
4. Aberdeen to Penzance: the spectacular sights of Britain's ...
Mar 22, 2022 · Aberdeen to Penzance: the spectacular sights of Britain's longest train journey · FOUR MORE SCENIC BRITISH RAIL JOURNEYS · Norwich to Liverpool ...
The 13-hour train adventure offers epic snapshots of both cities and countryside

5. Find your next journey - Scenic Rail Britain
Find your next journey. Select your interests, region, and desired trip length (this does not include the time it may take you to reach the scenic rail ...
Select your interests, region, and desired trip length (this does not include the time it may take you to reach the scenic rail line). Or search using a keyword like "coast". The map will update as you enter your criteria, and you can click the pink dots on the map for details or view full search results below.

6. Passenger rail usage - ORR Data Portal
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7. Top BritRail Tips
... many words and names that are hard to pronounce, even for English speakers. ... Use our National Rail website or App to plan your train rides www.nationalrail.co.
Maximize your BritRail experience with our top travel tips. Learn about essential items, local customs, and insider advice for a smooth journey.

8. Traveling by Train in England - Rick Steves Travel Forum
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Hello, My wife and I are planning a tour of the United Kingdom (mostly England but also some in Wales, Scotland) from late April 2024 to late May 2024. We plan to fly into London and travel by train and bus for 27 days (Oxford, Cotswalds, Conwy, Keswick, Edinburgh, York, London). We were in E...
9. Rail factsheet: 2023 - GOV.UK
Jan 25, 2024 · Rail usage and users. Prior to the pandemic, long-term rail demand was increasing. Figure 5: Rail passenger journeys in Great Britain, millions.

10. The United Kingdom & Ireland Vacations | Train Tours in UK and ...
Discover the Beauty and History of the British Isles · Recommended Destinations: Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales · Ride Famous Trains: Jacobite Steam Train, ...
The United Kingdom & Ireland Vacations
11. Train Length and Tonnage - UK Prototype Questions - RMweb
Dec 12, 2016 · As a guard at Canton in the early 70s, one of my regular trains was the 03.15 Cardiff (Long Dyke)-Carlisle 7M49, which was routed via Todmorden ...
SWL & BWU question: OK, I know this is S&C specific, even if a prototype question- (I will put it in prototype questions too).SWL= Standard Wagon LengthWhat was the SWL length restriction for the S&C& the other part of this one-What is the BWU rating for various engines (3F, 4F, 5...

12. UK Steam Rail Day Trips and Worldwide Rail Holidays
The Railway Touring Company has a long-established reputation for providing an interesting variety of UK day trips by steam train and unique railway tours ...
The Railway Touring Company has a long-established reputation for providing an interesting variety of UK day trips by steam train and unique railway tours in the UK, Europe and Worldwide.